Wednesday, September 6, 2017

 Incorporating literacy instruction into content areas

I think teachers can easily incorporate literacy into other instruction areas.  One way to do that is to choose books that could go with other areas.  I always read Number the Stars with my students because I can use it as a cross category lesson.  By using Number the Stars I incorporate Social Studies because it talks a lot about World War II and what life was like during that time frame.  By reading the story not only are students reading a historical fiction book but they are also learning about a specific time in history.  We can then use that to discuss World War II and use it in other areas.  I have not had students write from one of the characters perspectives from this book or as another person who lived during this time frame, but plan on doing that with my unit plan. Not only have I hit Reading,but also Social Studies and Writing when using the book Number the Stars.   
There are many ways that this can be accomplished.  Frey, Fisher, and Gonzalez give many great examples.  Some of the ways are by using talking pictures, making comics or creating podcasts.  It is important to learn and use these new types of technologies with your students because as Frey, Fisher, and Gonzalez (2010) state  “the tools are going to continue to change with breathtaking speed” (p. 71).  This is why it is so important to keep our students up to date with the ever changing technology.  

Frey, N., Fisher, D., & Gonzalez, A. (2010). Literacy 2.0: reading and writing in 21st century classrooms. Moorabbin, Vic.: Hawker Brownlow Education.

Number the Stars. (n.d.). Retrieved Aug. & sept., 2017, from

1 comment:

  1. Eric,

    RE: "I think teachers can easily incorporate literacy into other instruction areas. One way to do that is to choose books that could go with other areas."

    Novel studies, using texts like Number the Stars, are a great way to integrate literacy into Social Studies. When students view a historical event through the eyes of a well-developed character, it increases interest and develops empathy for others. When novel studies also incorporate PBL, teachers can easily integrate digital literacy skills by encouraging the use of digital tools for creating and publishing of the learning product.

    Dr. Dell
