I think one of the best ways to help students develop the ability to visually represent information and data is by teaching your students about all the different tools that are available to do this. Showing students the youtube video on storytelling with infographics will show them how important visual learning is to people and how much more information is absorbed by the brain by seeing it as opposed to hearing it. Another way would be to create an infographic as a class showing the students how you can easily represent things differently with some of the infographic websites.. I did a Science experiment with my students a few years ago on if people remember things better by seeing them versus hearing them. I could do this experiment again with my class and then the students could work in a group and use an infographic such as Picktochart to present the results. I think that by having students create their own infographic will help them develop the ability to visually represent information and data tremendously.
M. (2013, July 12). Storytelling With Infographics. Retrieved September 26, 2017, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=9&v=VQbFX2QzbOI